BBQ scallops with grilled carrot, almond and dill salad
- 12 scallops
- 4 medium carrots
- 2 tablespoons Broighter Gold rapeseed oil
- ½ red onion, finely chopped
- 50g toasted flaked almonds
- Handful parsley and coriander
- Few sprigs fresh fennel or dill ( omit if you can’t get it)
- 4 sprigs fresh mint
- 50ml Broighter Gold Thai oil ( it’s quite spicy so use half regular oil if you want to cool it down)
- 1 teaspoon miso ( or 2 teaspoons soy)
- Juice 1 lime
- Scrub the carrots and cut in half. Place on a sheet of foil and sprinkle with sea salt and a tablespoon of the oil.
- Gather up and cook in the oven until soft.
- Allow to cool, and brush them and the scallops with the remaining tablespoon of oil and season the scallops with sea salt.
- Place on BBQ, cook scallops for about 2 minutes each side and the same for the carrots.
- Remove mint and fennel from sprigs and chop. Chop the parsley and coriander. Mix with the lime juice, Thai oil and almonds.
- Spoon over the carrots and serve the scallops on the side.