Broighter Gold Pizza Recipe- Gluten Free.I'm no chef, more a home cook that likes to try and master a recipe that works! I have tried to make a lot of different gluten free recipes, and this is the one I prefer. I have tweaked it here and there, and it works for me every time. I do prefer to leave it to prove for 48-72 hours. I tend to make up a large batch, then freeze them individually. Just makes it easier when you fancy pizza!
- 250g Caputo Floreglut (Gluten Free Flour, Order online) GF Plain or Bread Flour - Extra for dusting, and shaping balls.
- 200g luke warm water, (20 degrees max)
- 3.75g dried yeast
- 9g Broighter Gold Rapeseed Oil (try using one of our infused oils)
- 7.5g fine sea salt
- 200g lukewarm tap water, add the dried yeast, let sit for 10 minutes then stir and add in the rapeseed oil to the mix. (make sure all the yeast is dissolved and no lumps)
- To your mixing bowl (I used my Kenwood bowl), add the Floreglut flour, and salt. Mix together. (Note, don't ever let your yeast and salt touch each other, as this will kill your yeast).
- Add your yeast mix to the flour, and mix for 5 minutes at high temperature. Ensure that all your flour, and water mix is from the bottom of your bowl, then knead again slowly on setting 2 for a further 5-7 minutes until the mixture is smooth, and all combined together.
- Add some oil to the bottom of your bowl, ensuring the dough is sitting in the oil. Cover your bowl, with cling, beeswax wrap, or a damp tea towel and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours. (at this stage I have made garlic bread, or bread sticks, but it does taste better if left over night or for a few hours)
- Your dough will double in size. At this stage you can then roll out your dough onto a floured work surface. I use bread flour or plain flour as its not as expensive, and also easier to work with than the Floreglut.
- Make into rounds, small dough balls. Pinch from the side, and fold into the middle, and make into nice little neat balls. At this stage get your cling film, oil it lightly with Broighter Gold, so your dough doesn't stick when it has proved. Wrap well, so there is no holes, and place on a tray over night or for 48 hours in the fridge.
Before you cook your pizzas, make sure you have brought your dough balls up to room temperature, along with your tomato base. I also find this recipe is really good to freeze, and use as and when required.
I hope this works out for you! You can follow our pizza fun on social media, please share your own foodie pictures with us! Leona x